List making

01 February 2012

Make a bucket list & do it now!

My bucket overflows with dreams and desires that keep me going! Is a Bucket list even realistic? YES!
These past few days I have challenged my FB friends to let me know what was on their List. Here are a few of the responses I  got!
Go on safari
Play Eliza DooLIttle
See the land down undeR
Tour Israel
Record a CD & write a book
Take a son to see the temple of Delphi in Greece
Climb a mountain & sky dive
Become a teacher, then a princess, then a fashion girl and a famous Person 
My personal Favorite is “to see Aunt Tracy!”

I am a BIG BIG believer in making memories, taking risk and being as real as I can be. One of my philosophies on life is “what you see is what u get…” I quit trying to be “someone” else a long time ago. It is exhausting to fake your way through life and at the end of all the trying, you are still you! See, I have Arthritis in my spine and to date have had 2 fusions and one pending when I get around to it. I pretty much don’t tell anyone that I have this with the exception of my poor family and close friends. I certainly don’t FB every cortisone shot (weekly at this point), every MRI (I glow in the dark) and daily ouch because I think that is sad and depressing. I share this now because it is time to use my “blessing” to help and encourage someone else. I have been ordered by GOD to “seize the day.” Yes, God said that in so many words! So what does the bucket list have to do with my “poor aching BACK????????? NOT a DARN THING!
 It has to do with living your life with passion, with a plan and with a reason.
Don’t get stuck and don’t give up! Cliché!
Are your feet stuck in the mud? Are you following in the steps of Jesus Christ? Are you being real or really NOT? Are you taking care of yourself? Are you eating right? Do you take care of the body GOD gave you? Do you have a list to live by, dream over and plan for?
Food for thought! Super cliché!

PSALM 20.5 (msg)
“When you win, we plan to raise the roof and lead the parade with our banners. May all your wishes come true!”

Yes, I have a list too! I want to dance on top of the Roosevelt hotel in nYC to “sway,” I want to see the village of Hallstatt in Austria, I want to run with my grandchildren, write a devotional book, speak at a women’s thingy,
I want to Die after my husband and I want to live in mexico & Wyoming.
Follow your heart, Find purpose and make LIST!
I HEART u all!


Hands in the air

16 January 2012

I admit that I am a throw my hands in the air type of girl. If things get to be overwhelming I can get grumpy, I mean run for your life, hide under the bed, mom is in a mood, grumpy! This past week has taken my "grumpdom" to a whole new level. You have to run faster, hide quicker and spread the news of my mood at high speed.

My last seven days:
  1. 2 cars in flood
  2. one kid in the hospital 
  3. one kids in car wreck
  4. one kids taking exams
  5. sister in ER
  6. Grandpa at neurologist
  7. husband exhausted
As I type, I am in my unmade bed listening to something clank in the dryer! It might as well by my head at this point. I admittedly pulled out my passport and checked flights to Mexico and contemplated running away. I could do it you know! I would leave food, money and a nice note  that said "SEE YA LATER."

You will be glad to know that I am staying put and decided to put things in perspective!

My last seven days ( a rethink):
  1. I have car insurance
  2. We might finally have some answers
  3. No one was hurt
  4. Exams suck! a fact of life.  Just own it!
  5. Sister will be fine. Found cause!
  6. Grandpa still knows me.
  7. Husband still thinks I am hot! 
Do you see a "glass half empty"or a "half glass full?"
Do you see rain or water to grow the flowers?
Do you see a frig full of food or nothing to cook?
Do you teenagers that make you crazy or the future husbands and wives?
Do you see wrinkles on your face or a life well lived?
Our purpose is clear! We are to take each day and live it with a GOD-given fire.

What will your next 7 days look like?
Let me know about YOUR next 7 days and HOW you will "own it?"

The rain came down & the floods came up...

10 January 2012

All names have been changed to protect the true identity of those in this rainy tale.

Once upon a time there was a guy named Mitch and a girl named Lila. There was a very bad storm heading toward downtown that Lila was oblivious to. Mitch was tucked away high up in his skyscraper working away. Lila knew that the rain was causing flooding, but the adventurous side of her decided to make her way home. Lila pulled out onto a street we will call Stanton and carefully watched other cars proceed through what was tire deep water. Patiently waiting her turn to pull through the flooding street, she stalled. I mean, her car stalled. Her RENTAL car stalled. Thinking that the worst of it was over, she calmly started gathering up her things and planned her great escape. Lila called Mitch to tell him what had happened. Lila was on the phone to Mitch and the water started filling the car and moving the car around. Lila panicked and started screaming at Mitch to rescue her. Problem is, Mitch was 25 floors about flood level and was helpless to save Lila. At this point, Lila was in chest deep water and more worried about her laptop and phone than her safety. Lila hung up on Mitch siting that he could not help and she had to save herself. Lila determined that the she needed more than her flip flops to wade through 4 feet of water.
It was a miracle... a real rainbow moment... Lila's tennis shoes floated by.
Everything important was on the dash so Lila put her shoes on and crawled her way out of the car all while holding her tote bag above her head. Lila waded through the icky smoggy water and climbed out of the street towards safety while two bus ladies offered a helping hand and  a comment:
"Gurrrlllll, you just about drowned!" Thanks bus lady, kinda knew that!
 Here is where Mitch comes in- Mitch was already on his way to rescue Lila in his CAR.
You are probably already thinking, "OH NO." Yes, he did. Mitch drove straight into the flooded area of downtown and found Lila. Lila jumped in her man's car and off they went. No matter which road Mitch turned down, the water just kept rising and the rain kept pouring. Yep, you guessed it-one more insurance claim. Mitch and Lila's second car decided to become another flood casualty.

What did Lila  learn from this adventure?

 Stay home on Rainy days
           Always have tennis shoes in your car
          Mitch can’t help from the 25th floor
      Mitch is my hero!
         Laugh no matter water
          That GOD is my promise keeper!

The rain may come down, but the rainbow came out!


"at a loss for words"

07 January 2012


I am never at a loss for wordsthose of you who know me well are laughing aloud right now.
Get your laughing over cause I can hear you from here!
View Image

{PS 34.2} 
I have spent the last few weeks waiting and listening. waiting for GOD to speak to me. Problem is, I have never been a good listener.                            
Just ask Mrs. James, my kindergarten teacher. I truly think she may have retired after having me in class. I really thought I was her favorite kid because she spent so much time with me. Okay, I was a bit delusional. I was the reason the teachers lounge was created!
Hearing GOD means surrendering  to what HE wants from us.  Easier said than done but not at all impossible to achieve.
Psalm 34: (The Message) is one of my MOST FAVE chapters in all the bible. We are to  bless GOD every chance we get, we are to live and breathe GOD, we are to get the word out, HE frees us from anxious fears,we are to give HIM our warmest smiles, HE gets us out of tight spots, the angels surround us, we are blessed when we run to HIM, HE will give us the best, we are to embrace peace, HE will help us catch our breath, HE is our shield, we will not lose out when we run to HIM.

Hmmm, now I am speechless!


Crazy Brave

06 January 2012

I am a list maker and a note taker.

I am witty and laugh at myself a lot! 

I have a passion to see people live well..

I believe in being transparent and living your life loudly and with purpose!
Be who you are and not what the world says you should be.
Be crazy brave!
Want to feel tested and out of place.
Find joy in the pretty things around you.

Knowing where to start, Where to begin is perhaps the biggest challenge we have as human beings. No matter what you believe in- we all have a purpose and a reason for being. I wake up each morning ready to take on the world or retreat back to the
  comfort of my down filled bed and Hide out.  I have been waiting until I had some grand epiphany to launch this GOD driven blog into the Blogosphere.

 No epiphany! Sorry.

This blog is my purpose right now. Please follow along & try my recipes, 
virtually shop with me in the "shop" (coming soon) and see where this
journey takes us! Life is to much fun to just let it happen!


Look up at the giant arrow, look left 
at the subscribe section, 
type in your email and that is all!
