Crazy Brave

06 January 2012

I am a list maker and a note taker.

I am witty and laugh at myself a lot! 

I have a passion to see people live well..

I believe in being transparent and living your life loudly and with purpose!
Be who you are and not what the world says you should be.
Be crazy brave!
Want to feel tested and out of place.
Find joy in the pretty things around you.

Knowing where to start, Where to begin is perhaps the biggest challenge we have as human beings. No matter what you believe in- we all have a purpose and a reason for being. I wake up each morning ready to take on the world or retreat back to the
  comfort of my down filled bed and Hide out.  I have been waiting until I had some grand epiphany to launch this GOD driven blog into the Blogosphere.

 No epiphany! Sorry.

This blog is my purpose right now. Please follow along & try my recipes, 
virtually shop with me in the "shop" (coming soon) and see where this
journey takes us! Life is to much fun to just let it happen!


Look up at the giant arrow, look left 
at the subscribe section, 
type in your email and that is all!


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