Hands in the air

16 January 2012

I admit that I am a throw my hands in the air type of girl. If things get to be overwhelming I can get grumpy, I mean run for your life, hide under the bed, mom is in a mood, grumpy! This past week has taken my "grumpdom" to a whole new level. You have to run faster, hide quicker and spread the news of my mood at high speed.

My last seven days:
  1. 2 cars in flood
  2. one kid in the hospital 
  3. one kids in car wreck
  4. one kids taking exams
  5. sister in ER
  6. Grandpa at neurologist
  7. husband exhausted
As I type, I am in my unmade bed listening to something clank in the dryer! It might as well by my head at this point. I admittedly pulled out my passport and checked flights to Mexico and contemplated running away. I could do it you know! I would leave food, money and a nice note  that said "SEE YA LATER."

You will be glad to know that I am staying put and decided to put things in perspective!

My last seven days ( a rethink):
  1. I have car insurance
  2. We might finally have some answers
  3. No one was hurt
  4. Exams suck! a fact of life.  Just own it!
  5. Sister will be fine. Found cause!
  6. Grandpa still knows me.
  7. Husband still thinks I am hot! 
Do you see a "glass half empty"or a "half glass full?"
Do you see rain or water to grow the flowers?
Do you see a frig full of food or nothing to cook?
Do you teenagers that make you crazy or the future husbands and wives?
Do you see wrinkles on your face or a life well lived?
Our purpose is clear! We are to take each day and live it with a GOD-given fire.

What will your next 7 days look like?
Let me know about YOUR next 7 days and HOW you will "own it?"

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