"at a loss for words"

07 January 2012


I am never at a loss for wordsthose of you who know me well are laughing aloud right now.
Get your laughing over cause I can hear you from here!
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{PS 34.2} 
I have spent the last few weeks waiting and listening. waiting for GOD to speak to me. Problem is, I have never been a good listener.                            
Just ask Mrs. James, my kindergarten teacher. I truly think she may have retired after having me in class. I really thought I was her favorite kid because she spent so much time with me. Okay, I was a bit delusional. I was the reason the teachers lounge was created!
Hearing GOD means surrendering  to what HE wants from us.  Easier said than done but not at all impossible to achieve.
Psalm 34: (The Message) is one of my MOST FAVE chapters in all the bible. We are to  bless GOD every chance we get, we are to live and breathe GOD, we are to get the word out, HE frees us from anxious fears,we are to give HIM our warmest smiles, HE gets us out of tight spots, the angels surround us, we are blessed when we run to HIM, HE will give us the best, we are to embrace peace, HE will help us catch our breath, HE is our shield, we will not lose out when we run to HIM.

Hmmm, now I am speechless!


1 comment:

Justcallmeblessed said...

I can so identify with you here! Thanks for sharing the verse! <3 it!

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