List making

01 February 2012

Make a bucket list & do it now!

My bucket overflows with dreams and desires that keep me going! Is a Bucket list even realistic? YES!
These past few days I have challenged my FB friends to let me know what was on their List. Here are a few of the responses I  got!
Go on safari
Play Eliza DooLIttle
See the land down undeR
Tour Israel
Record a CD & write a book
Take a son to see the temple of Delphi in Greece
Climb a mountain & sky dive
Become a teacher, then a princess, then a fashion girl and a famous Person 
My personal Favorite is “to see Aunt Tracy!”

I am a BIG BIG believer in making memories, taking risk and being as real as I can be. One of my philosophies on life is “what you see is what u get…” I quit trying to be “someone” else a long time ago. It is exhausting to fake your way through life and at the end of all the trying, you are still you! See, I have Arthritis in my spine and to date have had 2 fusions and one pending when I get around to it. I pretty much don’t tell anyone that I have this with the exception of my poor family and close friends. I certainly don’t FB every cortisone shot (weekly at this point), every MRI (I glow in the dark) and daily ouch because I think that is sad and depressing. I share this now because it is time to use my “blessing” to help and encourage someone else. I have been ordered by GOD to “seize the day.” Yes, God said that in so many words! So what does the bucket list have to do with my “poor aching BACK????????? NOT a DARN THING!
 It has to do with living your life with passion, with a plan and with a reason.
Don’t get stuck and don’t give up! Cliché!
Are your feet stuck in the mud? Are you following in the steps of Jesus Christ? Are you being real or really NOT? Are you taking care of yourself? Are you eating right? Do you take care of the body GOD gave you? Do you have a list to live by, dream over and plan for?
Food for thought! Super cliché!

PSALM 20.5 (msg)
“When you win, we plan to raise the roof and lead the parade with our banners. May all your wishes come true!”

Yes, I have a list too! I want to dance on top of the Roosevelt hotel in nYC to “sway,” I want to see the village of Hallstatt in Austria, I want to run with my grandchildren, write a devotional book, speak at a women’s thingy,
I want to Die after my husband and I want to live in mexico & Wyoming.
Follow your heart, Find purpose and make LIST!
I HEART u all!
